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菜单的内容来自页面上的HTML,以便让它们更易 搜索引擎搜索 且易于编辑和部署。
Content from the menu on the page 's HTML, so
[...] they are easier to search engines and easy to edit [...]
and deploy .
它提供了我们运行自己搜索引擎 的全部工具。
It provides its own search engine we run all the [...]
necessary tools .
为加强科研--政治的跨学科联系组合,我们已开始着手通过“社会变革”网上研究政策 工具包,使从社会科学和人文科学所覆盖领域的各种同行审查研究资源中,以及通过设计应 搜索引擎 法从教科文组织合作伙伴完成的研究成果中,提取的各种政策选择方案都可 供查询使用。
simultaneously from various peer-reviewed research sources available in the domains covered by SHS and by conceiving pilot applications for research produced by UNESCO partners.
搜索引擎的(使得网站易 搜索引擎 )。
It is the search engine optimization ( making the site easily indexed by search engines ) .
会员国、国际组织和信息与传播技术产业应鼓励合作研制、开发和根据本地情况改造具 有多种语言功能的操作系统 搜索引擎 络浏览器,以及网上词典和术语库。
Member States, international organizations and information and communication technology industries should encourage collaborative participatory research and
development on, and local adaptation of,
[...] operating systems, search engines and web browsers [...]
with extensive multilingual capabilities,
online dictionaries and terminologies.
营销服务帮助消费者找到产品与服务并进行比较。主要有两种类型:一类是市 场平台搜索引擎 户网站、甚至是产品比较网站上的网络广告;另一类为商 [...]
户提供IT工具或咨询服务,帮助他们优化营销活动和开销(如提供服务优化网 络 搜 索 效 率 或 管
理 具 体 的 营 销 活 动 )。
These include two main types: online advertising on
[...] marketplaces, search engines, portals, or [...]
even product comparison websites; and
IT tools or consulting services to help merchants optimize their marketing activity and spending (such as services to optimize online search efficiency or manage specific campaigns).
凭借其在技术上的领先地位,Marketwire提供富有创新意识的产品与服务 — 其中包括社交媒体搜索引擎 ,News Dashboard报告,加拿大新闻网等网络的独家进入权,简易投资者关系和简易公共关系工作流程解决方案等——帮助传播专家在保证精确性和最佳实行的同时,使工作效率最大化。
With a reputation for technology leadership, Marketwire offers
innovative products and services -- including
[...] Social Media, Search Engine Optimization, [...]
News Dashboard coverage reports, exclusive
access to networks such as The Canadian Press Wire Network, Easy IR and Easy PR workflow solutions, and more -- that help communication professionals maximize their effectiveness while ensuring accuracy and best practices.
尤其是科学知识调配系统可嵌入一扩展 搜索引擎 搜索 知 识系统,包括国家或当地知识系统,并编制索引,以便借鉴地方资源。
In particular, the SKBS could embed
[...] an extended search engine that would search and index various knowledge [...]
systems, including
national or local ones, for easier retrieval of local resources.
39% 的受访者声称,他们的 政府通过公私伙伴关系促进在硬件和软件开发方面的研究,包括专有、开放源代 码和免费软件、标准字符集、语言编码、电子词典、术语和辞典、多语 搜索引 擎 器翻译工具、国际化域名、内容参考以及综合软件和应用软件。
However, 39 percent of the respondents asserted that their governments promote through private public partnerships, research in hardware and software development, including proprietary, open-source and free software, standard characters sets, languages codes, electronic dictionaries,
terminology and
[...] thesauruses, multilingual search engines, machine translations tools, internationalized domain names, content referencing as well as [...]
general and application software.
技转中心所设计的亚太技术信息追踪和统一数据提取(APTI TU D E ) 搜索 引擎 2008 年支持中小企业技术网搜索 [...]
3 个数据库,通过升级和编程可 搜索亚太区域的 12 个公开领域技术数据库,使技转中心的在线技术转让服 务成为技术消费者和生产者共同使用的综合设施。
The Asia-Pacific Technology Information Tracking and Unified Data
[...] Extraction (APTITUDE) search engine, designed by [...]
the Centre to support the www.technology4sme.net
website to search three databases in 2008, was upgraded and programmed to search 12 public domain technology databases from the Asia-Pacific region, to enable the online technology transfer services of APCTT to become a one-stop facility for the use of both consumers and producers of technology.
还有一些其他的引人注意的发展包括有BOSS(建立你自己的搜索服务)以及Search Monkey以上两者创造性地赋予了网 搜索引擎 台新的定义。
Other exciting developments include BOSS ((Build your Own Search Service) and Search Monkey – both innovative reinterpretation of open search web service platform.
您的资料,包括您已经公开的任何信息,将可由任何第三 搜索引擎
Your profile, including any information you have made public, will be available
[...] to any third party search engines.
[...] CNNIC还提供公益解析、辅助网站建设和站点增 值服务(站点杀毒搜索引擎 、公益数据服务 等),基于互联网基础服务向用户提供应用入口。
In addition to domain name registration, CNNIC also provides public-interest resolution, website construction
assistance and website value-added services
[...] (website antivirus, search engine collection, public [...]
welfare data service, etc) in respect
of full domain name lifecycle, and offers application portal to users based on Internet infrastructure service.
确保公平的法律环境的首要任务就是能取得“中间力量” 的 有 效 配 合 ,这 包 括 像 广 告
[...] 商 、网 络 服 务 提 供 商 搜 索 引 擎 付 提 供 商 等 公 司 和 [...]
行 业 ,它 们 对 合 法 的 数 字 音 乐 市 场 的 形 成 举足轻重。
the top priority in securing a fair legal environment is to have the effective cooperation of “intermediaries” – companies and
industries such as advertisers, internet
[...] service providers, search engines and payment providers [...]
whose activities have a decisive
influence in shaping a legitimate digital music business.
在确定适合您需要的求职网站后,使 搜索引擎 站内的那些与您的专业、工作类型、薪资和地点相匹配的职位。
Once you have identified which job boards are
[...] appropriate use the search engines to locate [...]
roles that match your discipline, job type, salary and location.
拟编列经费 1 031 800 美元,用于支付为在总部存档维持和平行动记录所 需的第三方服务提供商商业存储和处理费用,该费用在以往财政期间由维持和平 特派团预算匀支(300 000 美元);供应商筛选服务(225 000 美元);维护联合国 全球采购网-基于网络的供应商登记方案(245 000
美元);邓白氏供应商信用报 告(35 000 美元);与存档有关的储存用品和专业设备(60 000 美元);订阅与能
[...] 源和化工全球供应商相关的国际出版 搜索引擎 闻服务(37 000 美元);参加 各种专业技术认证课程的培训费(129 [...]
800 美元)。
An amount of $1,031,800 is proposed to provide for: the cost of commercial storage and handling with a third-party service provider for the archiving of peacekeeping operations records at Headquarters, the costs for which were absorbed by peacekeeping mission budgets in previous financial periods ($300,000); vendor screening services ($225,000); maintenance of the United Nations Global Marketplace, a web-based vendor registration programme ($245,000); Dun and Bradstreet vendor credit reports ($35,000); storage supplies and specialized equipment related to archiving
($60,000); subscription to an
[...] international publications search engine and news services [...]
related to global providers of energy
and the chemical industry ($37,000); and training fees to attend various specialized technical certification programmes ($129,800).
一个新的联搜索引擎 可以让用户使用单一接口在联合国的所有多媒体网 站进行搜索。
A new federated search engine now enables users [...]
to search through all of the United Nations multimedia sites using a single interface.
新闻部网站用所有正式语文提供的内容受到大众一致欢迎,其新闻报道经常 在谷歌新闻搜索引擎 果中排名居首,频频由种类繁多的网站转播,其 [...]
Reflecting the portal’s consistent popularity in all official languages, news stories from the site
frequently appeared among top-ranked
[...] results on such search engines as Google News [...]
and were regularly picked up by a wide
variety of websites, from news aggregator sites to media outlets and the web pages of non-governmental organizations and academic institutions.
能力: 您可以使用不搜索引擎 类和 2D/3D 查看器快速浏览庞大的零部件数据库:正确的零件将在第一时间正确地插入。
Power: you
[...] can use different search engines, classifications [...]
and 2D/3D viewers to quickly browse the huge parts database:
the right component is correctly inserted from the first time.
他指出,这些网站搜索引擎 提供了有效而方便用户的技 术转让服务,在促进国家和国际技术转让方面发挥了有效作用,并在 [...]
He stated that those
[...] websites and the search engine continued to provide [...]
effective and user-friendly delivery of technology
transfer services, played a useful role in facilitating national and international technology transfers and promoted new and emerging technologies in member countries.
我只想说,为了真正改造社会,并让信息自由流动,我们必须有人为创新创造环境,这又回到了专利上,彦宏为其 搜索引擎 得的专利。
Let me just say that in order to really transform society and to have that free flow of information we’ve got to have people that,
we’ve got to create that climate for innovation, which is going back to the patent
[...] that Robin got for his new search engine.
请使用我们的全搜索引擎 产品安全说明书。
Use our global search engine to find material [...]
safety datasheets.
因此,现在使用社交媒体,用它刊登故事,准备一些可读的文章,以便人们搜索主题并了解美国的看法或者我们在中国所做的事情,利用互联网和像百度一样 搜索引擎 量;在实际的社交媒体,如百度上,发表博客以及等等。
So using the social media now, whether it’s hosting stories and making those articles available so that people can search the topic and learn about the views of America or what we’re
doing here in Chia, using the power of
[...] the internet and search engines like Baidu; [...]
to the actual social media, whether it’s blogging and so forth.
例如,我们可能使用网站分析工具从您的浏览器检索信息,包括您来自哪个网站、您查找到我们的网站所使用 搜索引擎 键字、您在网站内查看了哪些页面、浏览器加载项以及浏览器的宽度和高度。
For example, we may use Web site analytics tools to retrieve information
from your browser, including the site you
[...] came from, the search engine(s) and the keywords [...]
you used to find our Website, the
pages you view within the Website, your browser add-ons, and your browser's width and height.
这些努力包括建立电子网关从而能接入用现 搜索引擎 法 接入的最新研究及其他文件储存库;以及建立在线工程网络从而使用户能搜索内 [...]
These include the establishment of electronic gateways which provide access to the latest research and other document
repositories not currently accessible
[...] through existing search engines, and online engineering [...]
networks which enable users
to search for content as well as generate and develop solutions to complex problems, in particular in development areas.
[...] 更强的能力可以查明非法内容,因为他们不局限于依赖公 搜索引擎 户机 程序执行的访问限制系统,并且他们能够控制对管辖法域外信息的访问。
Hosting providers have a greater ability to identify illicit
content, because they are not limited by
[...] reliance on public search engines or by access restriction [...]
systems implemented by the
client, and they have the ability to control access to information outside of jurisdiction boundaries.
与 4XP 合作,您可以获得最新的营销工具,这有助于您通过所有现有营销渠道推广业务:付费搜索(通 搜索引擎 Adwords)使搜索引擎 (SEO)撰写的页面以及视觉营销,如横幅广告和链接。
BEST MULTI-CHANNEL MARKETING TOOLS With 4XP you get the most up to date marketing tools that help you promote your business through all existing marketing channels: paid search (through search engine Adwords), pages written with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and display marketing such as banners and links.
即使 本协议有任何相反规定,但仍然不得违反以下禁止事项:(a) 复制或改编人才网的网页HTML代码; b)使用或企图使用引擎、手动或自动软件、工具、 设备、代理、Robot脚本或其它方式、设备、机制或 进程(包括但不限于浏览器、爬虫、robot、头像或
[...] 人才网的网页或所提供的任何服务, 但通过在人才网上由凯业必达所提供 搜索引擎 理 以及使用常见的第三方Web浏览器(例如IE、 [...]
Firefox, Safari)的情况除外;(c)未经凯业必达明确的书面同意
而对人才网的任何内容或信息 以任何方式进行汇集或复制。
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, this prohibition includes: (a) copying or adapting the HTML code used to generate web pages on the Talent Network; (b) using or attempting to use engines, manual or automated software, tools, devices, agents, scripts robots or other means, devices, mechanisms or processes (including, but not limited to, browsers, spiders, robots, avatars or intelligent agents) to navigate, search, access, “scrape,” “crawl,” or “spider” any web pages or any
Services provided on the Talent Network
[...] other than the search engine and search agents available [...]
from CareerBuilder on such Talent
Network and other than generally available third party web browsers (e.g., Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari); and (c) aggregating, copying or duplicating in any manner any of the Content or information available from any of the Talent Network, without the express written consent of CareerBuilder.
每天都有来自150多个国家的新的制造商,经销商,供应商和服务商运用IndustryStock.com的工 搜索引擎搜索 、服务的供给者或供应商及公 搜索引擎 新公司。
Each day new manufacturers, traders, deliverers and
service suppliers from
[...] over 150 countries search for new contractors, suppliers of products and services or new companies using IndustryStock.com’s industry search machine.


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