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1.1Academic terms

Maneuver n策略 v操纵、调遣 manipulate vt.熟练控制

scalability 可扩展性

leverage n.杠杆 v促使改变

flexibility 弹性 ?dispatch n.急件,调度

leverage ?撬动

robustness? 鲁棒性

comprehensive review 综述

applicability ?适应性 ?application? 应用

use cases用例

keywords 关键词 Indexterms 索引项

dispatch? 调度、派遣

distributed energy resources (DERs) 分布式能源

distributed optimization 分布式优化

optimal power flow (OPF) 最优潮流计算

siloed data center 孤立的数据中心

heterogeneous 异构的 ?privacy-preserving 隐私保护

canonical application 典型应用

scenario 场景

paradigm 范式

minibatch 小批量

orders-of-magnitude 数量级的

alternating direction method of multipliers ADMM)交叉乘子法

Proximal Atomic Coordination PAC)近端原子协调?

empirically and theoretically ?实践和理论上

stochastic gradient descentSGD)随机梯度下降法

communication topology 通信拓扑

high latency 高延迟

asynchronous communication 异步通信

straggler 干扰

heuristics 启发式方法

aggregate n.集合,总计 adj.总的,结合的 v总计达 vt 聚集

accountability 责任归属 interpretability 可解释性

convergence guarantees? 收敛保证

homomorphic encryption 同态加密

secure function evaluation SFE)安全函数评估

malicious 恶意的 ?trusted

divide-and-conquer 分而治之

nascent 新生的,初生的,尚不发达的

advanced distribution and management systemADMS)高级分布式管理系统

with the inclusion of …

reliability n可靠性 resiliency n弹性、恢复力、适应力

underlying 底层的

a comprehensive taxonomy 分类法

dual method 对偶方法

optimal power flow (电力)最优潮流计算

variant 不同的,n变体

along with in addition to beyond(除了、超过)

denote A as B? A记为B

Second-Order Cone Programming (SOCP) 二阶锥规划

Semidefinite Programming (SDP)半定规划

Peer-to-peer P2P

Advantages and disadvantage?= upsides and downsides

Model compression 模型压缩

Pareto frontier 帕累托前沿

bulk synchronous approaches 批量同步方法

siloed 孤立的

pivotal 关键的

dual variable 对偶变量

primal variable 原始变量

Primal-dual algorithm 原始对偶算法

Dual-ascend algorithm 对偶上升法

Network-sparsity 网络稀疏性

Activate power curtailment (APC) 有功功率削减

Conservation voltage reduction CVR 保护电压削减

Nomial voltage 标称电压


rogue agent 恶意智能体

enumerated 枚举的

hereafter? 此后

auxiliary 辅助的

adversarial? 对抗的

rigorous 严格的

granular 颗粒的

nascent新生的 nascent field

off-the-shelf 现成的

tractability ?易处理性

revert 恢复,归还

Proximal Atomic Coordination (PAC) 近端原子协调

Reasonably 相当地=very

Quality of ServiceQoS 服务质量

Stringent=strict 严格的


启动; 传动; 激励; 冲动; 激动; 动作; 接通; 执行; 促动; 开动; 致动; 驱动; 使动; 传动动作; 致动装置; 驱动装置; 感动; []; 活〔开、驱、启、传〕动

fault-tolerant 容错

congestion 拥堵 traffic congestion 流量拥堵

malicious agent 恶意的智能体








Additionally=In addition

In the context

For instance 举例来说

In practice 实际上

In particular特别地

Furthermore 更进一步,此外

Moreover=In addition

Indeed 实际上

In contrast 相比之下


To summarize




Advantages of dis-tributed algorithms include …列举优点

The major contributions of this work are listed as列举工作

This paper has the following major differences relative to the work in [4] and [9]as follows

The importance of these metrics motivates the following open questions:

A short discussion on the simulation results using the PAC algorithm is presented below



2. Syntactical

2.1 Expressions


【例1With the rapidly increasing integration of


【例2This paper presents a review of distributed algorithms found in the literature, a new taxonomy using key attributes, and a comparison of some use cases. Finally, future research needs for practical implementation of such distributed algorithms are also discussed.?



【例3Stability is also an issue for purely local feedback based schemes as they are unable to consistently regulate the voltage/frequencythroughout the system[2]

As 引导原因状语从句


【例4The cyber layer, which can be classi?ed into two more sublayers-(i)control and management sublayer where the Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS) runs an optimization tool and is responsible for making control decisions of power system operations throughout the day.



【例5Since each agent only needs to communicate with its neighbors, distributed algorithms are naturally capable of adapting to changing conditions such as modi?cations to the network topology and communication infrastructure.

Since 表示原因


【例6The organization of the paper is as follows. Section II formulates the OPF problem in both centralized and distributed settings and discusses various power ?ow approximations and relaxations used for distribution system analyses. Section III surveys different distributed algorithms applied for optimal control in distribution grids and discusses comparisons among them. Section IV discusses several use cases for distributed optimization algorithms. Section V presents an overview of research needs for ?eld implementations of distributed algorithms inactive distribution systems.

Content organization可以如何写




【例8Once convex, the problem can be solved using any off-the-shelf convex programming solver with polynomial runtime.



【例9One advantage of using convex relaxations is that they always provide lower bounds of the original minimization problem of ACOPF.



【例10Distributed control algorithms provide multiple complementary advantages relative to traditional centralized and local control approaches in terms of computation, communication, privacy, ?exibility, and scalability with increasing DERs at the edge. However, distributed control approaches often require several iterations and communication rounds to reach convergence, which can make them unsuitable for practical implementations in a federated or P2P manner. Existing work also lack a thorough analysis of parametric sensitivity towards algorithm performance and communication requirements for practical implementation. This paper presents a review of distributed algorithms found in the literature, a new taxonomy using key attributes, and a comparison of some use cases. Finally, future research needs for practical implementation of such distributed algorithms are also discussed.





【例1Beyond the major challenges discussed in this article除了文中讨论的挑战外

【例2It is increasingly attractive to …越来越有吸引力

【例3It remains to be seen how much communication is necessary in federated learning. Indeed, it is well known that optimization methods used for machine learning can tolerate a lack of precision.


【例4As we discuss in this article, learning in such a setting differs significantly from traditional distributed environments, which require fundamental advances in areas such as privacy, large-scale machine learning, and distributed optimization and raise new questions at the intersection of diverse fields such as machine learning and systems.


这里的require 为什么不用三单呢?


【例5Federated learning is a promising solution for these applications [19], as it can reduce privacy leakage and naturally eliminate these constrains to enable private learning between various devices/organizations.



【例6Federated learning methods can help train models that efficiently adapt to changes in these systems, while maintaining user privacy.





【例8To fit a model to data generated by the devices in the federated network, it is therefore important to develop communication-efficient methods that iteratively send small messages or model updates as part of the training process, as opposed to sending the entire data set over the network.

动词不定式作目的状语,it 作形式主语,that引导定语从句,as从句省略


【例9Minibatch optimization methods, which involve extending classical stochastic methods to process multiple data points at a time, have emerged as a popular paradigm for distrib-uted machine learning in data center environments. In practice, however, they have shown limited flexibility to adapt to communication-computation tradeoffs [53], which would maximally leverage distributed data processing.


Minibatch optimization methods which …have emerged as a popular paradigm…


【例10Similarly, in federated learning, decentralized algorithms can, in theory, reduce the high communication cost on the central server.

小短句,in theory做插入语


【例11Global privacy requires that the model updates generated at each round are private to all untrusted third parties other than the central server, while local privacy further requires that the updates are also private to the server.

While 表示对比


【例12In this article, we provided an overview of federated learning, a learning paradigm where statistical models are trained at the edge in distributed networks. We discussed the unique properties and associated challenges of federated learning compared with traditional distributed data center computing and classical privacy-preserving learning. We provided a broad survey on classical results as well as more recent work specifically focused on federated settings. Finally, we outlined a handful of open problems worth future research effort. Providing solutions to these problems will require interdisciplinary effort from a broad set of research communities.



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