If a photon enters such a cell and there is no surface to be found on its present trajectory, then it simply travels forever.
Modern liberal power, similar to our search for freedoms, travels through the body, provoking it to move, to participate, and to govern itself.
Among adults aged 20 -40 years, travelling abroad was associated with illness.
In particular, an analysis of the derived nonlinear equation will demonstrate the existence of nonlinear travelling waves and oscillating standing waves.
We started down the dirt road towards the highway, travelling at perhaps eight miles per hour.
A detonation wave has traveled to the right and it is in the process of collapsing the liner, which is shown in the figure.
Epidemics within each city can occur and individuals travelling through the transportation network can create inter-city epidemics.
When traveling someplace unfamiliar by car, one frequently consults a map and plots a route from one's home to the desired location.