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  Yu Garden   Yu Garden is a famous garden of classical style in the south of the Yangtze River. Initially built under the reign of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty and up to now it has a history of over 500 years. In 1853, when the Small Sword Society rose in uprising in response to the Taiping Heavenly Revolution the Spring Hall in the Yu Garden was used as its headquarters.   Yu Garden is a key cultural unit under the state protection. The major scenic attractions in the Yu Garden include the Mountain and Forest in City, Pretty Woods and Elegant Dale, Charming Spots by the Spring Hall, Eye-catching Scenes of Water and Rockeries, Great Happiness in the Middle and Garden within the Garden (inner garden) as well.

  Yuyuan Garden   Yuyuan Garden is a famous classical garden located in Anren Jie, Shanghai. The garden was finished in 1577 by a government officer of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) named Pan Yunduan. Yu in Chinese means pleasing and satisfying, and this garden was specially built for Pan's parents as a place for them to enjoy a tranquil and happy time in their old age.   In the 400 years of its existence, Yuyuan Garden had undergone many changes. During the late Ming Dynasty, it became very dilapidated with the decline of Pan's family. In 1760, some rich merchants bought Yuyuan Garden and spent more than 20 years reconstructing the buildings. During the Opium War of the 19th century, Yuyuan Garden was severely damaged. The Yuyuan Garden you see today is the result of a five year restoration project which began in 1956. The garden was open to the public in September, 1961.   Yuyuan Garden occupies an area of 20,000 square meters (about five acres). However, the small size is not a representative of the attractions of the garden. The pavilions, halls, rockeries, ponds and cloisters all have unique characteristics. There are six main scenic areas in the garden: Sansui Hall, Wanhua Chamber, Dianchun Hall, Huijing Hall, Yuhua Hall and the Inner Garden. Each area features several scenic spots within its borders.   Upon entering the garden, you will encounter a rockery, which is called the Great Rockery. With a height of 14 meters (about 50 feet), it is the largest as well as the oldest rockery in the southern region of the Yangtze River. On the top of the rockery, you can get a bird's eye view of the garden. Cuixiu Hall sits at the foot of the rockery. It is a quiet and elegant place surrounded by old trees and beautiful flowers. Visitors will find curio shops in the Cuixiu Hall.   Sansui Hall was built in 1760 and was originally used to entertain guests. Later it became a place to hold ceremonies for the gentlemen and bookmen. With a height of nine meters (about 30 feet) and featuring five halls, it is the largest and most commodious structure in the garden. The name Sansui is derived from the book History of the later Han Dynasty, and means 'propitious' and 'lucky'.   Wandering in the area of Yule Pavilion and Wanhua Chamber, you will find pavilions, corridors, streams, courtyards as well as many other natural features. Wanhua Chamber is a delicately chased building surrounded by derious cloisters. Spring bamboos grow beside the cloisters. In front of Wanhua Chamber, there are two old trees. One is a maidenhair tree which is 21 meters tall (about 70 feet).It is said that the tree was planted by the host of the garden 400 years ago.   The Dianchun Hall area is located east of Wanhua Chamber, and includes Hexu Hall, Relic Hall, Ancient Well Pavilion, and the Acting-and-Sing Stage. Dianchun Hall was once the headquarters of Xiaodao Hui, a revolted group who fought against the government of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) during 1853-1855. The coins made by Xiaodao Hui and the bulletins they proclaimed are currently displayed in the hall.   The true treasure of Yuyuan Garden is the Exquisite Jade Rock. Located across from Yuhua Hall, it is one of the three famous rocks in the southern region of the Yangtze River. (The other two are Duanyun Feng in Suzhou and Zhouyun Feng in Hangzhou.) The rock is 3.3 meters (about 10.8 feet) in height and has 72 holes. What is interesting about this rock is that if you burn a joss stick just below the rock, the smoke will magically float out from all of the holes. Similarly, when you pour water into the rock from top, the water will flow out from each hole creating a spectacular sight to see. Pan Yunduan was very fond of the Exquisite Jade Rock, and he built Yuhua Hall facing the rock so it was convenient to sit in the hall and admire it. The furnishings in the hall were made of top grade rosewood of the Ming Dynasty, appearing both natural and graceful.   The Inner Garden was a separate garden built in 1709, but is now a part of Yuyuan Garden in the south. The Inner Garden is compact and exquisite, and the rocks, pavilions, ornamental ponds and flower walls offer some of the most attractive sceneries in Yuyuan Garden.

  The Oriantal Pearl's Tower 东方明珠   Yu Garden 豫园   Shanghai Science & Technology Museum 上海科技馆   Jing'an Temple 静安寺   Jinmao Skyscraper 金茂大厦   Jinjiang Park 锦江乐园   The Bund 外滩   Town's God Temple 城隍庙   Where to go in Shanghai depends largely on your time period of interest.   For Imperial China, check out the Yuyuan Gardens with interesting buildings but a bit too much tourist oriented.   For 1930s Shanghai, head for the stately old buildings of the Bund. Or pay a visit to The French Concession (close Huai Hai Park).   For 21st-century Shanghai, cross the river to gawp at the skyscrapers of Pudong.   To find some peace, you should visit the Lknghua Temple. It takes a while to get there but it's not as busy as the Jade Buddha Temple and the experience is fulfilling. You can also have a nice vegetarian Buddhist meal in both Temples.   这些都是笼统的介绍了,汗 只能找到这么多,如果你分开每个景点都去找相关主页,应该有提供英文简介。

  historic: famous in history   associated with past times   imaginable: that can be imagined   beautiful perfect...



  Yu Garden     Yu Garden is a famous garden of classical style in the south of the Yangtze River. Initially built under the reign of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty and up to now it has a history of over 500 years. In 1853, when the Small Sword Society rose in uprising in response to the Taiping Heavenly Revolution the Spring Hall in the Yu Garden was used as its headquarters.     Yu Garden is a key cultural unit under the state protection. The major scenic attractions in the Yu Garden include the Mountain and Forest in City, Pretty Woods and Elegant Dale, Charming Spots by the Spring Hall, Eye-catching Scenes of Water and Rockeries, Great Happiness in the Middle and Garden within the Garden (inner garden) as well.   豫园位于繁华热闹的上海老城厢东北隅,北靠福佑路,东临安仁街,西面与上海城隍和豫园商城毗邻,是著名的江南古典园林,闻名中外的名胜古迹和游览胜地,1982年被国务院列为全国重点文物保护单位。   豫园始建于明肛嘉靖三十八年(公元1559年),是明代四川布政使潘允端的私家花园   1956年,上海市人民政府又对豫园进行了大规模的修缮,1961年正式对外开放。现在的豫园占地面积2公顷,楼阁参差、山石峥嵘、树木苍翠,以清幽秀丽、玲珑剔透见长,具有小中见的特点,是一个集明清两代南方园林建筑艺术精华的古典园林,内有四十余处景点可供游人观赏,分为大假山、万花楼、点春堂、会景楼、玉华堂、内园六大景区。

  The Bund   Oriental Pearl TV Broadcasting Tower   Yuyuan Garden   Electromagnetic Floating Train   Shanghai Chenshan Botanic Gardeng   Shanghai Botanic Garden

  每天有成百上千位外国游客参观豫园   There are hundreds of thousands of foreign tourists visit Yu Garden every day.   每天有成百上千位外国游客参观豫园   There are hundreds of thousands of foreign tourists visit Yu Garden every day.

  We can see different kinds of buildings and there are many flowers and trees in it. We can also learn the history from it...


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